Jedna z moich ulubionych fryzur. I to nie
tylko, jak nie mam co zrobić z włosami, kiedy są niesforne, albo musze szybko
wyjść z domu, ale także na wyjścia ze znajomymi i nie tylko.
Fryzura uniwersalna i sprawdza się chyba
zawsze, w każdej sytuacji.
Dla mnie niezawodna od zawsze. Zwłaszcza,
że mam długie włosy i czasami ciężko utrzymać je w satysfakcjonującym mnie
A Wy co myślicie? Jakie fryzury
One of my favorite styles. And it's not just how I
have nothing to do with your hair
when they are unruly, or I have to leave the house quickly, but also to exit from your friends, and more.
Hairstyle universal and probably always works in every situation.
For me it has always been reliable. Especially since I have long hair and sometimes hard to keep them in good order satisfying me.
And you what do you think? What hairstyle you prefer?
Hairstyle universal and probably always works in every situation.
For me it has always been reliable. Especially since I have long hair and sometimes hard to keep them in good order satisfying me.
And you what do you think? What hairstyle you prefer?